Original Notation of the 15th through 17th Centuries

The music of the Renaissance is notated in different ways than those which we are acquainted with from the music of later composers.  Without knowing certain rules it can be difficult for modern musicians to decipher this original notation.  However, it is very important to know some of these rules in order to understand the historical context of the music. Moreover, it can be particularly fun to play and sing from original notation, whether alone or in a group.

Foto: Anna-Kristina Bauer

The following text is part of a project by the non-profit organization for the “Promotion of Research on Performance Practice of Historical Wind Music”  (“Förderung der Erforschung und Aufführungspraxis Historischer Bläsermusik”–VFEHB).
It is intended for non-commercial use only and is available here only as a “work in progress.” The guidelines are intended for all who are interested in this topic, but are particularly useful for recorder players of all ages, for players of reproductions of historical wind instruments, as well singers and players of all kinds of instruments!